About Us

Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies

​Where Harvard & Europe Meet

The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1969 at Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to promote the interdisciplinary understanding of European history, politics, economy and societies. Its mission is to:

  • Foster the study of and innovative research on Europe among Harvard faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Facilitate the training of new generations of scholars and experts in European studies.
  • Serve as a forum for vibrant discussions on European history and contemporary affairs which nurture the exchange of ideas across disciplines, sectors, generations, and across the Atlantic.

CES Director Grzegorz Ekiert speaking to a student at the Summit on the Future of Europe 2015

CES is a vibrant community of individuals inspired by exploring Europe’s history, politics, economics, culture and societies.

Daniel Ziblatt, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government & CES Resident Faculty

Alison Frank Johnson, Professor of History & CES Resident Faculty, Harvard University

Charles Maier, Leverett Saltonstall Professor of History & CES Resident Faculty, Harvard University

CES Local Affiliate Jacqueline Bhabha, Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) is the oldest university center devoted to the study of Europe in the United States. Its purview includes all European countries and the European Union. CES embodies the collective work of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, visiting scholars and affiliates from across the full spectrum of social science disciplines. The Center’s resources support and facilitate grants for student research, student internships, visiting scholars, and a number of programmatic activities.

CES is a vibrant community of individuals inspired by exploring Europe’s history, politics, economics, culture and societies. In its historic location at Adolphus Busch Hall, the Center hosts 12 Resident Faculty members from four social science departments as well as many of its 77 graduate student affiliates currently working toward their doctorates. It also identifies and enables a group of outstanding social scientists of modern Europe to serve in residence as CES Visiting Scholars each year. In addition, the Center has developed an extensive network of over one hundred Europe experts within the broader Harvard campus and other universities in the Boston area, which includes CES faculty associates and local affiliates.