CES Graduate Council

CES welcomes students interested in Europe to join its Graduate Council on Europe. This body is comprised of students in the professional schools at Harvard, Tufts, and MIT, who have an active interest in European politics, history, culture, society, and economic issues.

With a growing number of students expressing interest in opportunities to study Europe on campus, CES provides a forum for students across a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to explore those interests. Members of the CES Graduate Council on Europe will have the opportunity to organize programmatic activities at CES; they will have access to use CES space for meetings; and students will be full members of the CES community of faculty, visiting scholars, local affiliates, and students. Council members are encouraged to bring ideas and recommendations forward to propose programs at CES.

For more information, contact Vassilis Coutifaris.

We hope that members will advise on interests within their peer student communities, to be ambassadors of CES to those groups by assisting in outreach on behalf of CES, and to be involved in CES programmatic activities.

Any full-time registered graduate student of one of the professional schools at Harvard, Tufts, and MIT may apply for affiliation on the CES Graduate Council regardless of their degree program. Membership is granted for the period of one year and must be renewed each year. Candidates must maintain full-time student status for the entire year of affiliation.

PhD candidates in Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and MIT Social

Sciences who are interested in being affiliated with CES should apply for Graduate Student Affiliate status. Students enrolled in Harvard College who are interested in being affiliated with CES are encouraged to become involved in the CES Student Society at Harvard College, the undergraduate board of CES. HCES is a recognized Undergraduate Student Organization.